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Delivery Guru
The most delicious Italian cuisine

License agreement

Before using a mobile system built on the Delivery Guru platform (platform website, please read the terms of the following agreement.

Any use of the system by you implies your full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the terms of the license agreement in full you may not use the system for any purpose.

1. General provisions

1.1. This license agreement (hereinafter - "License") sets the terms of use of Delivery Guru system for mobile devices (hereinafter - "System") and is made between any person using the System (hereinafter - "User") and Delivery Guru LLC, which is the exclusive right holder for the System ("Rights Holder").

1.2. By copying the System, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the System in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all terms and conditions of the License.

1.3. The use of the System is allowed only under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User has no right to use the System for any purpose. Using the System in violation (non-fulfillment) of any of the conditions of the License is prohibited.

2. Rights to the System

2.1. The exclusive right to the System shall belong to the Title Holder.

2.2. The photos of dishes, categories, restaurants as well as other materials available through the System (hereinafter referred to as the Materials) are the objects of the intellectual property of their rightholders and are protected by law.

3. License

3.1. The Rightholder, on the terms and conditions of a simple (non-exclusive) license grants the User the non-transferable right to use the System, without charging any additional fees, as follows

3.2. To use the System for its direct functionality, for which purpose to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(s). The User shall be entitled to install the System to an unlimited number of mobile devices. Each copy of the System, when installed to the mobile device, shall be given an individual number, which shall be automatically reported to the Title Holder.

4. Restrictions

4.1. The User shall not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform any other activities with the System's object code, except for use in the extent and manner, directly stipulated by this License or the legislation of the country, in order to receive information about algorithms implementation, used in the System, create derivative works with the System, as well as perform (allow to perform) any other use of the System, any components of the System, stored in the System on mobile device.

4.2. The User shall not be entitled to distribute the Program in any other form than the one it was received in without the written consent of the Rights Holder.

4.3. The Licensor shall reserve the right to set forth any rules, limits and restrictions (technical, legal, organisational or otherwise) on the use of the Program in general, the Materials or the Database, and may alter them at its sole discretion, without prior notice to the Users. The said rules, limits and restrictions may vary for various categories of Users.

5. Responsibilities under the License

5.1. The System (including the Data) is being provided on an "as is" basis. The Licensor does not give any warranties regarding faultless and uninterrupted operation of the System or any of its components and/or functions, correspondence of the System to the particular User's objectives and expectations, does not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the Data, and does not give any other warranties not explicitly specified in this License.

5.2. The Licensor shall not be responsible for any direct or indirect consequences of any use or impossibility to use the System (including the Database) and/or any damage, caused to the User and/or the third parties as a result of any use, impossibility to use the System (including the Database) or any of its components and/or functions, including due to possible errors or failures in the System operation, except the cases, directly provided by the Law.

6. Updates/new versions of the Program and third party software

6.1. This License shall be valid for all the subsequent updates/new versions of the System. By accepting the installation of update/new version of the System, the User accepts the terms and conditions of this License for the relevant updates/new versions of the System, unless the update/new version of the System is accompanied by other License Agreement.

7. Changes and feedback

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time without notice.

If you have any questions, please email